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A new term begins…

Post by Site Administrator in Cubs Room, Lions Room, Panthers Room, Tigers Room, Uncategorised

Here are some of the wonderful activities the rooms have been getting up to this half term. Remember to check out our nursery Facebook page for more frequent updates.


The Cubs have had a wonderful start to term exploring lots of lovely tuff trays and getting messy with a variety of items including shaving foam and gloop! They have also enjoyed using their fine and gross motor skills to move different objects around the rooms and trays.















Tigers have been enjoying lots of craft activities including creating an autumnal collage with added glitter, the children looked just as sparkly as the picture did! They have also been building different ramps and roads for a selection of vehicles to go on and exploring different sensory and water trays.










Panthers have enjoyed lots of fun tuff trays including a insect tray with lots of autumnal items, a baking tray where they enjoyed scooping flour into bowls and making cakes. They have also been on some lovely autumn walks collecting blackberries, leaves and conkers. They also had great fun creating their very own volcano to explore with dinosaurs.


















Lions have had a good start to term making blackberry cakes that they picked whilst on a walk. Looking at matching number to quantity using playdough. They also enjoyed making leaf kebabs using skewers and collecting leaves from the garden.


Alpaca Visit

Summer term in Cubs

Our New Garden